[RPFF] Cool Namja VS Strange Yeoja (bubblestorytea)

cn vs sj

req dong saeng ^^ akhirnya ada juga yang open request.


Name Author: bubblestorytea

Tittle of FF : Cold Namja VS Strange Yeoja

Quotes : oh my gosh! why this could be love?

Genre : romance, teenager, school life, comedy

Cast :
Lee Ji Eun : http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/168/9/a/iu___lee_ji_eun_____render___png__12_by_mhsasa-d69e5eb.png
Oh Sehun : http://stuffpoint.com/exo/image/362532-exo-sehun-267.png

Theme : fancy

Note / Pesan : bikin seimut-imutnya ya ^^ ghamsa~


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